How to run a script in a field from another script

You may want to run a piece of JavaScript which is defined on a field on a particular record. This may or may not be a script field.

You can use the GlideScopedEvaluator (opens in a new tab) to do that:

var grTable = new GlideRecord('target_table');
if ( {
	var evaluator = new GlideScopedEvaluator();, 'u_script', ''));

Loading functions into scope

This method also works if you are not returning a specific value in the script field, but rather defining a function that you want to call from another script. For instance, if you have a u_custom_script field that looks like this:

function helloWorld() {'Hello, world!');

Running the following:

var grTable = new GlideRecord('target_table');
if ( {
	var evaluator = new GlideScopedEvaluator();, 'u_custom_script', ''));

Will yield: Hello, world! in the logs.