Resolving the warning: This instance does not support dynamic commands. Functionality will be limited.

When first connecting to your ServiceNow instance via the ServiceNow CLI you might see the following warning:

✔ Connection to successful.
✗ This instance does not support dynamic commands. Functionality will be limited.
Profile personal-dev has been saved

The reason for this warning is because your instance is not running the "CLI Metadata" application.

Here's how to install the CLI Metadata application on your instance:

Step 1: Enable the CLI Metadata application for your instances

Visit the ServiceNow Store and search for CLI Metadata. Then enable it for your instances.

Step 2: Install the CLI Metadata on your instance

  1. On your instance navigate to System Definitions > Plugins. You'll be redirected to an overview of All Applications.

  2. Here search for CLI Metadata. Select it and install it.

  1. Now if you set up your profile again using the following command:
snc configure profile set --profile <profile-name>

The warning should have been replaced with a confirmation that the metadata was retrieved successfully:

 Connection to https://<your-instance> successful.
 Metadata retrieved successfuly from https://<your-instance>
Profile personal-dev has been saved