Resolving Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/keytar.node'

While trying to get started with local development of custom Next Experience components I ran into the following issue after installing the ServiceNow CLI and the ui-component extension.

Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/keytar.node'

There are at least two threads 1 2 about this on the ServiceNow Developer forums, but neither helped me.

What I ended up doing is the following:

1. Install the CLI through npm

npm i -g @servicenow/cli

2. Re-install the ui-component extension

If already installed you can uninstall the ui-component as follows:

snc extension remove --name ui-component

And then reinstall it like this:

snc extension add --name ui-component

Other things to try

Some other things people1 2 have reported success with:

Installing keytar

cd ~/.snc/.extensions/
npm install keytar@5.0.0

Uninstalling and re-installing NVM

You can uninstall NVM by running the following command3:

rm -rf $NVM_DIR ~/.npm ~/.bower

And you can reinstall the latest version by copy pasting the curl command with the latest version from this Github repository (opens in a new tab). As of this writing the curl command is as follows:

curl -o- | bash


  1. (opens in a new tab) 2

  2. (opens in a new tab) 2

  3. (opens in a new tab)